Monday, March 28, 2011

Pricing and deals:

-Regular shampoo & style: $15
-Event style (up-do): $25 & up

-Womens: $25
-Mens: $20
-Children (12yrs & under): $12

(All prices subject to change depending on length/thickness of hair and ounces of color used)
-Color retouch (roots): $45 -All over color: $55
-Men's color: $35
-Full head weave: $70
-Partial weave (half or less): $60
-Color correction: starting at $70
-Creative color: starting at $60

**All services include a free shampoo and style.
**10 dollars off a haircut with a color service.

for every 2 referrals you send me I will give you half off a haircut, or $10 off your next color service!

1 comment:

  1. umm hi I need help making my blog look as cool as yours. k, thanks!
